Thursday, June 25, 2009

My Erichment Party

Today I went to my Erichment teacher's house for a party. It was SUPER fun because we got to play with her Palmaranian dog and then we made homemade ice cream, by rolling the batter in a can. Here are some pics from are party:

Saturday, June 13, 2009

My 10th Birthday

My 10th Birthday was last Tuesday.
It was really exciting! Because I knew exactly what I was getting.
An iTouch,
Just about the coolest thing I have ever seen.
Once I opened the present, I knew I was going to be addicted,
and I still am!
After that we went to the Outback.
My Mom suprised me with some chocolate cake and ice cream.
 That's what I did on my 10th Birthday.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

My Youtube Account

I just got my Youtube account set up and I've already made a video!
My Dad let me get one last week and I've been wanting to make as much videos as I can.
But I'm really caught in so many things that I haven't gotten time to.
But I plan to make more videos soon.
My account name is TheJettster37.
And my video is called Cool Magic Trick.
As I said I will be posting videos soon.


Friday, May 22, 2009

AA Little League Championship Game

Today I got in the car after school thinking about my game.
The Championship Game.
It's one of the most important game of the season, with the 2 greatest teams.
The Red Socks and The Athletics.
I was the Red Sox's.
Today was the day to determine the best.
The game passed by and my team kept the lead.
The A's we're pressured in the last inning, we were SO happy.
At the end of the game the score was 18-9, WE WON!!!!!
we got HUMONGOUS trophies, and we have the city tournament to come.
And are coach thinks we'll win that tournament to, but we'll have to see.

it was REALLY fun,


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Trip To Texas

Last Spring Break, my family and I went to Texas.

I thought that it might be pretty BORING.
Until we got there.

We did various things that we're fun, for example:
- We went to the University of Texas
- We went on a hour long inflatable tube ride
- Went to a HUMONGOUS water/land amusement park
- Shot BB guns to cans and rode Go-Karts

So if you EVER go to Texas at least do one of these things

Or else there's no point of going.

See ya later,